My Repair

Thank you for choosing Robert Openshaw Fine Jewellery to undertake your repair. We PROCEED with ALL repairs based on our estimated prices clearly displayed in-store. You can also view our prices here : Click for our Repair Price List We are fair with our pricing but for example:

An 18ct White Gold Ring needing 4 new claws would be:

4x £15 Claws + Re-rhodium £28 = £88


Jewellery Repairs

Our in-store Jewellery workshops turn around most work within one week, however this does depend on how easy the works are. It can take upto 2 weeks where we need to source any stones and then allow time to undertake the works. In all cases we turn around work as quickly as we can, and in the order it is received. We are able to fast-track some work through our workshops, but this is on an individual basis and only by request at the time an item is booked in.


Once your jewellery repair is ready, we will contact you by telephone or text to confirm your repair is ready to collect.

Watch Repairs
We automatically proceed works based on our Price List, but provide estimate if works are likely to cost more. We usually contact you with Watch Estimates on the Thursday after your watch has been brought into store.

Pressure Test Guarantee - As we cannot guarantee the conditions under which the watch is used, we cannot give an unconditional guarantee. We can only give guarantee tat your watch has behaved as indicated on the date shown, and should do so for at least 3 months.


Once your watch is ready, we will contact you by telephone or text to confirm your repair is ready to collect.